Thursday, February 13, 2014

Kurt Robinson: Lungs to a New Life

So...I'm sick.  It's been going around lately and with me teaching 10 dance classes a week, hugging sweaty students and wiping my hands & body all over the dirty studio floor, I'm not too shocked to be on the receiving end.  But as I woke up this morning, and gradually opened my eyes, I realized that I felt waaaayyy sicker than I had the day before. My head was pounding, and my teeth were throbbing from my sinuses being plugged up (this happens to me every time I get sick, by the way. Don't know if it happens to everyone, but I even went to the dentist one time for the pain only to find I had a cold. But...that's a story for another day).  I roll onto my side, adjust a second pillow behind my back and gradually ease myself against the wall.  I let out a deep sigh.  I start running through my list of "to dos" for the day in my head. Then, out of nowhere, I sneeze. And, to my great surprise, snot shoots out of my nose and all over my hands.  GROSS!  My eyes start to water.  I am officially miserable. And disgusting.  I grab a kleenex off my side table and start to clean up the collateral damage.

Then, after a few morning rituals, washing my hands and putting more clothing on to seal my sickness, I turn on my computer.  Time to get started with work from home. And as I turn on my computer, I remember that I need to check up on my good friend Kurt on Facebook.  This is when my reality check (of how pathetic my cold is) sets in.

See, Kurt is a friend I grew up with, and I'm pretty sure that I spent almost every weekend in my latter years of high school at his house.  His mom made the best homemade cookies and he had a hot tub, so it was a deal sealed in gold.  I think we became friends because a few of the guys on my cheerleading squad were really good friends with Kurt, and so we all just ended up hanging out together. I witnessed and learned about way too many of their secret shenanigans they were pulling on people (mainly their step mothers), but enjoyed the entertainment. We lived in a small town, so anything to bide our time was exciting.  Kurt was athletic and had a sense of humor that didn't quit. And he was relentlessly positive...especially considering the cards he had been dealt. date for Homecoming my Senior year of High School
Kurt has Cystic Fibrosis.  If you don't know what that is, read here: .  Basically in a nutshell, Cystic Fibrosis makes it so that your lungs cannot function properly.  Ever since I've know Kurt, he's been fighting with this disease on a regular basis.  Taking medications, routine doctor visits, being on machines, and many emergency trips to the hospital.  But Kurt has beat the odds, and has done so due to his great exercise regimen and his positive outlook on life.

Since high school, I've stayed in touch with Kurt on and off and have tried to support him the best I can.  I went to several Cystic Fibrosis walks with him and all our friends in Corvallis, and a few years ago was fortunate enough to attend his wedding.  About two years ago, Kurt got a chance at a new life: new lungs.  It was a huge operation for him, but he made it through and had been recovering well until a few months ago.  I don't want to get his very personal story wrong, so I'll let you read for yourself. On his blog:

But...long story short?  Kurt needs a miracle.  His first set of lungs failed him and he is in desperate need of another double lung transplant.  Kurt, his family and all of his friends are all waiting on the edge of their seats day by day for Kurt to get a new set of lungs. He HAS to maintain his strength and show the transplant doctors that he is fighting for this, or they will not award him this transplant.  He is fighting, but he needs support and love from as many people as he can to get him through.  His daily reality consists of coughing, and not being able to hold down food from all the vomiting.  Because his lungs are not functioning, he cannot talk.  He only communicates with people in the same room with him via computer/texting, when he is coherent enough to do so.

So when I logged onto Facebook today, I was exuberant to see that someone had started a "Go Fund Me" page for Kurt...a way for all of us who love him and feel helpless to help out.  I already re-posted it on my personal Facebook page, but I know that a lot of my readers on my blog are not on Facebook, or do not personally know me at all.  If you feel like you're in need of doing a good deed, or you have some extra change in your pocket that is weighing you down, I ask you with all my heart to consider donating to Kurt & his family to get him a new pair of lungs.  Even if you pledge $1, just to say you care.  Kurt & his wife are expecting a baby boy in June.  All that he wants is to be healthy enough to love and support his family:

Now take a deep breath.  Inhale, and exhale.  Appreciate your lungs in all their glory.

And...while you're at it (you know, breathing and all....) become an organ donor. And start giving more people, like my friend Kurt, a second chance at life.

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