Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama for the WIN!

First off, I'd like to apologize for the formatting on this blog.  For example, different sized font in the same paragraph in some of my text, and a really massively huge goat picture.  I can't fix it!  hahaha.  It's Africa...that's all I can say.  You'll just have to be patient with me...and this I have been trained to be.

Second, Obama for the WIN!  Sweet.  We all sat around the computer this morning and refreshed the internet every 5 minutes to see the states change colors, and everyone in our office was ecstatic when they found out Obama won.  I even received a text today from Joseph, our local internet guy/friend, congratulating me and America for "a job well done".  Here it is - verbatim:

"Congratulation to you & your Country for nice voting and Barack Hussein Obama to be a Candidate Presient Winner.  Goodlucky to you & Goodlucky to U.S.A."

Since Obama's ancestry lies in Tanzania's next door neighbor, Kenya, people here love him.  There are Obama t-shirts all over town, and we're planning a celebration party, which may involve slaughtering a sheep or something? Like usual, I'm not really sure what's going on, but I'm along for the ride and experience!  O-BAM-A!  I also congratulate my fellow Americans.  And in case you're wondering...heck yes I voted!  I sent in my ballot from Tanzania several weeks ago.

Thirdly, it's route week! That means all this week (the first week of every month) we go into all of the villages and visit our artisan women, give them updates, pay them, collect new products, etc.  I have taken a GRIP of pictures and have had some really interesting experiences.  I can't wait to share.

But for now, here's a pic from Route Week, Day 1.  My co-worker Hilary (or Hilaria as they say her name here) took this picture of me (Nichole-aye).  This little boy's mom should feel very lucky this week to have her son with her - because I almost took him home with me! Cute & cute!  He wouldn't let go of my necklace.  Update comin' atcha again soon...

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