Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Apparel Mart, Dancin', and Subbin'...Oh My!

When I decided to come to Atlanta, I had a few objectives in mind:

1. Spend time with my family (Aunt, Uncle & cousins)
2. Figure out next steps in life
3. Make & save up as much money as possible teaching dance and working odd end jobs here and there.

So far, I've been doing pretty good accomplishing all three of those things, and this last week I really hit #3 hard.  Last Tuesday-Sunday, I worked the Apparel Mart, smack dab in the middle of downtown Atlanta.  I got connected to this job through a mutual friend of my Aunt's.  With my background working trade shows, I had experience that many other candidates did not.  And after a short phone interview with the Michael & Paula Hyman showroom, I was hired for the job.

Here's the Apparel Mart's website, if you're interested in seeing where I was at:

I was to show and model designer clothing, and more specifically I was asked to rep a brand called "Tulle".  Being back in sales and back in the trade show atmosphere was a breath of fresh air and so familiar to me.  I really felt like I was in my element.  And I absolutely loved being downtown in the midst of the hustle and bustle of city life.  However, I simultaneously felt totally out of place.  My hand made kitenge shoulder bag from Tanzania stood out like a sore thumb in the break room, lined up next to the finest Gucci and Prada purses available.  And my Danskos and hoodie hardly fit in with the more popular cowboy boots and button up silk tops.  But...I did my best to blend in and make friends.  And by the end of the show, I even mustered up the courage to forcefully throw out a "y'all" every once in a while when conversing with a customer.

One of the most stark contrasts between here and the Northwest is the influence and importance of religion, mainly being Christian.  Almost everyone goes to church, and its rare to hear someone challenge a view point of someone who has strong Christian beliefs, because here everyone thinks very similarly.  On Sunday, for example, when I arrived at the show, my co-worker Lindsay came up to me and said " there, like, a meeting going on across the hall or something? There are a whole bunch of people gathered over in that showroom...along with some of our co-workers".  I didn't have a clue but after five tiring show days and it only being just past 8:00 am, I honestly didn't care to investigate.  About an hour later, another co-worker of mine, Annie, struck up conversation with me:

"Oh, I'm SO glad that they had a church service over there in that showroom," she said.
"I'm sorry...what?" I said.
"Oh yeah.  They brought a pastor in and he gave a service so that people who had to be at the mart wouldn't miss out.  Isn't that wonderful?" exclaimed Annie in her cheery, energetic way.
"Oh wow," I said.  "That would never happen in Oregon.  I....don't go to church".

And just like that, our conversation was over. Neither of us had insulted the other, but it was clear that our lives centered around different beliefs.  So far from what I've seen here in the South, church & state are intertwined...and apparently so is church & fashion.

This year I have worn so many different hats and have been to so many different places that I have learned a lot about what I like, and what I really don't.  And over the past week I have realized that tried and true, I am a Northwest girl.  I miss drinking beers out of a mason jar, seeing hipsters walking down the streets wearing beanies and having to jump out of the way of bicyclists trying to make it on time to work.  I really miss quality NW coffee, fresh organic food, the smell of the ocean, and just being around people that make an effort to be...well...different from the norm!

On the other hand, I have to say that I will miss many things about the South, and sometimes I wonder if I'm crazy for wanting to go home.  People here (overall) are so very warm, friendly and welcoming.  I feel like even though I've only been here for a month and a half, I have a network of friends and a great support system, and that feels really nice.  The generosity people have shown to me is overwhelming...whether it be giving me rides to the metro, inviting me over for dinners, or simply wanting to sit down and share a moment to talk story.  And..."the weather here ain't bad neither".  Today the high is projected to be a balmy 82.

Now that the mart's over, I'm busy putting my entire focus back on dance.  I'm not only teaching with my Aunt's dance school now, but I also have private lessons lined up which are paying quite nicely and are highly rewarding.  Working one on one with dancers really gives me the time and focus to help them work on their strengths and weaknesses individually, and give them my full and undivided attention.  I hope to continue doing soloist work when I get back to Oregon.  I am also busy choreographing a hip hop routine for the end of the year show for my Aunt's school here in Atlanta.  My cousin & I will be dancing it together.  It's to the song "Wild for the Night" by A$AP Rocky.  If you're not into profanity, I wouldn't suggest looking it up. But...if you've ever danced hip hop with me before, you've gotta check out this song!  The beat is siiiiiiick!  And...if you'd like to see the choreo I've got so far...take a peek:

I've also just finished up my application and testing process for substitute teaching in the Gwinnett County School District here.  My Aunt works for North Gwinnett HS, and as soon as my application goes through, she thinks I'll be a shoe in to sub regularly for the next month.  Apparently their French teacher is out with a sick child for a while, and I am crossing my fingers I'll get to be in that classroom.  I am excited about this opportunity because I have always been interested in becoming a full-time high school teacher, but have never had the chance to try it out.  And while I have never been the head teacher in a high school, I have taught as the head teacher in pre-school and also in the dance studio for many years, so I don't think it will be too much of an adjustment.  However during part of my studying yesterday, there was a section called "other management suggestions", and #11 said "notice if a student has a pen without an ink cartridge.  It might be used as a spit ball thrower...."

Great.  Can't wait to get started.

So that's it for now!  Spring is in full swing and so are my allergies, but besides that I'm healthy, and very, very happy.  Hope the same goes for you!

Hugs & Love from the Dirty South....


  1. Cool video, Nikki! Can't wait to see the whole routine!

  2. Thanks Nicole! :) I'll try to get a video of the show so you can see both me and my cousin in action!
