Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Twilight, Cracker Barrel, Croakies & Koozies...

Howdy Y'all!  (hehehe...I can't resist)

Another post comin' atcha from HOTlanta (which, ironically is unfortunately not very hot today.  It's cloudy and 62 and kinda reminds me of the Oregon coast, where I grew up. Hopin' that changes soon.....)

But, I digress.  Back to the happenings of this weekend. I had a really fun weekend jam packed full of activities.  Friday night, my Aunt hosted a WomenCraft party, where I was able to talk about my trip and sell WomenCraft products.  Even though speaking in public about myself is one of my top 5 most hated things to do, I think it went over well.  Talking about my experience in Tanzania made me realize how much I've really learned from the whole experience, and I was happy that I could squash some misconceptions people had about Africa.  Lots of questions were asked and products bought, so I felt like it was a very successful event! Thanks Auntie!

Then, later that night my cousin Megan & I went to Athens, Georgia (just over an hour's drive South of Sugarhill, where I'm currently living).  This was my not my first, but rather second trip to Athens.  According to this website, Athens is home to R.E.M. & the B52's, and is the #1 college music scene in America: http://www.visitathensga.com/

However...I haven't ever seen live music during my time there.  What I can attest to is that it is the home of the University of Georgia, and has also been #1 on the list of "top party school's in the country" many years running.  So...you can imagine the scene.  A really hip, funky town with a bunch of college kids. And this past weekend marked the close of the school year and Twilight, which made it extra fun.  Twilight is a festival where there are continuous bike races rallying through the center of downtown all day long, with beer tents and kegs lining the streets at night.  Reminded me so much of home/Oregon! Here's more about Twilight, if you're interested: http://www.athenstwilight.com/

And during my weekend in Athens, I started to soak in and recognize more differences between the South & the North. For starters, I have three things listed here:

#1: Koozies & Croakies:  If you're from Oregon, most likely when you hear those two words you will say "huh?"   I know...I hadn't heard them either before I came to the South.  Koozies & Croakies are fashionable accessories: one for your beer, and one for your sunglasses.  In my experience, they have been things that I've only seen rolling around in my parents kitchen drawers that we used to use when we went camping during my childhood, and only then.  If you used these in the NorthWest today, during a regular get together, it would be obvious that you were trying to be alternative/humerous, and stick out from the norm.  Here, they're cool, and they are in style.  And everybody uses them. I might just start rockin' 'em when I get home...

#2: Restaurant Menus: Yeah, I can't get over the things that I see regularly on a food menu here that we rarely see on menus in the NorthWest.  For example, I went to the popular chain restaurant in Georgia this weekend called Cracker Barrel...and the menu wasn't the only thing new & different to me.  How to describe it? I'd say you could mix the restaurant IHOP with the Ripley's Believe It or Not gift shop, and put them in the same room and you'd be good to go.  It's every grandma's dream.  A store mixed with useless trinkets and loads of canned goods and candy, along with a restaurant menu that I couldn't stop giggling at.  As their tagline states, "Visit Cracker Barrel Restaurant & Old Country Store, where pleasing people with our delicious homestyle cooking & gracious service defines our country spirit".  I wanted to buy one of their many items with the American flag on it, but the saying and image I loved the most I could only find on a dish rag and not on a t-shirt...so I had to pass for the time being.  Here's their website, if you would like to shop yourself: http://www.crackerbarrel.com/  

Cracker Barrel has two menus, one for breakfast & one for lunch/dinner.  Since we arrived at the restaurant at 3pm, I took a gander at both.  The food items I found on them that were not typical finds in the NorthWest included grits (a staple here, which I actually really like), hashbrown casserole, fried apples, fried chicken livers and spicy farm raised catfish. But...my personal favorite was their new "Eggs-In-The-Basket".  It's really too amazing to put into words, so I've found an image to share with you folks:

Yep, that's right!  Eggs IN the toast!  (or in their basket, I suppose).  Why didn't I think of that?  Genius.  And what's even better is those two round center slices cut out of toast that they include on the side.  A real treat. Dip 'em in jam and you're good to go! Someone at our table did order this, and it looks exactly like how its pictured here.  I myself opted for the Old Timer's Breakfast, which was equally appetizing to the eyes and mouth.

#3: Droppin' the "G":  If you haven't noticed, even MY writing has changed.  All the time here, people drop the "G" on the end of words.  For example: "I was headin' to the store for some bakin' supplies when the parkin' attendant stopped me".  This is true not only for spoken word, but also for hand written signs and menus.  Hearing it verbally was something that I expected, but to have it actually written down in formal settings makes me giggle.  It's not considered to be improper English, but rather just the "norm".  If you decide to take a look at the Cracker Barrel menu through the website I listed above, you will see exactly what I mean.

Well...that's all for now!  As I come across more differences I will possibly edit this blog post to include them, so keep checkin' back.  Y'all have a great week, and I'll be postin' again real soon!

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