Monday, September 17, 2012

Saying Goodbye

I am now officially on my way, writing you from the airport in San Francisco, California.  My next flight leaves at 1:30am, and I will be on it for 19 hrs and 20 stop in Hong Kong actually (I'll try to blog from there).  Brutal.  I'm praying for no screaming babies and effective sleep medication.

The past few days have been super emotional for me. Even though I'm crazy excited and ready to start this new travel adventure,  it is never easy to say goodbye. Lucky for me, I got to say goodbye to some incredible people that I know I will be seeing again.  So, I know the goodbye is only temporary.

I spent my last few days in the states doing some exciting stuff.  Highlights were:

1. Going to Wal-Mart with Pat, where we watched the "forever sharp" knife demo, after which they handed out free knives to the audience...cause that's a good idea...
2. Game-o-rama with Dylan and his harem Saturday night at Bier 1. Just for the record, I'm pretty rockin' at darts. Just sayin'.
3. "The Last Supper" with Dad at the Spaghetti Factory in Portland, in which I tried to consume as many things as I could that I knew I could not have for the next year or so.  This included (1) strawberry peach margarita, (1) salad with basalmic vinagrette and (1) Mizithra cheese pasta dish.  I sadly didn't have room for the complimentary ice cream.. 

Also, I got all my packing done!!!  And guess what?  Only checked 1 bag, weighing how much?  31 lbs!  19 lbs.under the limit.  I was so proud of myself.  Jarrod and Shannon told me not to pack any clothing, and while the thought of being a nudist for the year did intrigue me, I decided that packing some clothing was probably a good idea.  But, I went on the light side, and made it through with one bag.  Hurray!

I also have a carry on duffle bag and a side saddle bag. Here's a pic of me in front of my house in Newport:

Also, I wanted to talk about flight travel attire!  I'm wearing something similar to what you see here.  My red dankso shoes (for comfort and easy to slip on and off at security checkpoints), leggings and a cotton dress (comfortable and doubles as pajamas!), and a hoodie (easy to remove and keeps you warm when the AC is blasting on the plane).
More soon!

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