Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Now writing you from Singapore and I have to admit, I've hit a wall of fatigue.  It's currently 1:20am Oregon time, 4:30pm here and I am ready for bed!  But...I'll push through it and hopefully not sleep until I arrive in India for the night.  I feel like I used to when I was pulling an all nighter in college, cramming for a final exam.  Did being this tired while taking a test REALLY help me get better grades?

I was trying to think of ways to keep myself awake on my last flight when I came across this complimentary Elle magazine.  I saw this article and thought it would keep me entertained/awake for a good while, but I hit a language roadblock.  Bryan Parks, where are you when I need ya??!!

This is the lovely couple I sat next to in the plane from Hong Kong to Singapore.  Akmal and his sweet wife are from Indonesia, and were on their way home.  When I told them my name was Nichole, they said "oh...Nicole Kidman??!!" Yep, I'm a millionaire actress.  I liked Akmal's wife especially well for a few reasons (1) her ensemble with the sunglasses, on the plane (2) the fact that the name she chose in her English class for herself during school was also Nicole and (3) her double thumbs up in this picture.  Our breakfast was just THAT good.
After arriving in Singapore, I did end up finding that free shuttle tour of the city.  I highly recommend it.  I got to meet some fun people and see some really amazing things.  My favorite facts from the tour:
1. Selling gum in Singapore is illegal.  Apparently it cost the city millions of dollars to remove it from the streets several years ago, and so they banned it.
2. English is their official nation language
3. Less than 2% of their population is unemployed
4.  Our tour guide told us they have four seasons: summer, summer, summer, and summer.
I didn't get any good shots of the beautiful tropical scenery here, but take my word for it - its gorgeous.  The bus was moving too fast and we didn't stop except for once, so all the pics were super blurry.  Bummer. I'd love to come back and spend time in Singapore.  Enjoy what I did capture when we stopped during the balmy, hot afternoon outing. It was so nice to escape the airport for a while!

Next stop: Banaglore, India!!!

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